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Personal practice accelerates, stabilises, and further invites inner transformation processes. An integral practice is based on deep inquiry, mindfulness, and inner spaciousness. Refining our intention and our attention paves the way to transforming our lifestyle into one which better serves the longing of our hearts.


Drawing from leading edge science and practices, and from wisdom traditions, I tailor practices that are alive and adequate for each client's present state of being.


An integral practice evolves moment to moment by:

  1. Deepening our personal inquiry to meet our potential and integrate blockages.

  2. Practicing mindfulness of sensations, emotions, and thoughts.

  3. Practicing relational awareness.

  4. Cultivating space for insight and innovation to emerge, as well as for digestion and integration.

  5. Balancing doing and being.

  6. Continuous re-alignment with our core values.


Living Purpose


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